Flourish Homes
Flourish Homes
Lifting Up Young Women

End of Year Tax Deductible Donations

It's Not Too Late To Make A Difference This Year!

A gift of $100 supports a Blossom for one day with supportive housing, education, and discipleship.

All donations are tax deductible. Just ask for a receipt at the time of your donation.

Seek the advice of your tax professional before donating if this is an important reason for your donation.


Donate Items

Every month Flourish Homes uses laundry soap, toilet paper, and more items that can really add up. If you'd like to donate goods, please check out our Monthly Needs List on Amazon.com. Or order items below from Wal-Mart.com to be delivered to: Flourish Homes 1616 N. Gilcrease Museum RD, Tulsa, OK 74127. 

Sign into your Smile.Amazon.Com account and choose "Flourish Homes Incorporated" as your charity of choice to give 0.5% of all purchases (for yourself, others, and to us) to Flourish Homes Incorporated.

House Needs List

"ALL Free and Clear" Laundry Detergent

Hair brushes

"Bounce" dryer sheets

Individual Packets of Microwavable Popcorn

Cliff Energy Bars

Pringles Individual Serving Size

Toilet Paper

Paper Towels


Paper Plates

Ziploc Storage bags - all sizes

Feminine Products

Tooth Brushes

Colgate Toothpaste

Antiperspirant for Ladies

"Finish Jet-Dry Rinse Aid" Dishwasher rinse

Cascade Dishwashing Pods

Special Thanks to Our Partners:

    TourKick LLC logo

    Time and Skills

    We would love to receive the generous gift of your time.

    Volunteers, mentors, and an extra set of helping hands is always a blessing to the organization and our girls! See our Volunteer Information here.